
Mobility of Norwegian students from Bergen in Senec, Slovakia – November 2015. Photo story

Mobility in Bergen video

My Norwegian adventure
From 12 October to 19 October 2015 I became one of six participants of an international project week of our school in Norwegian city, Bergen.
Our journey was complicated because of problems with our luggage but in the end, we arrived safely. Two teachers from our partner school were waiting for us at the airport in Bergen so we could go.

Åsane Secondary School, Bergen – Stredná odborná škola, Senec
Stredná odborná škola in Senec, Slovakia has invited Åsane Upper Secondary School in Bergen, Norway to join their project Training for students and teachers. The project is financed through an EEU-grant and will run over two academic years.
The project objective is to promote the two cities/regions as tourist destinations.

In front: Rawan Abobakeer, Selma Pelja, Tram Thi Phuong Le
Behind: Per-Christian T.B.Deem, Nikolas Horváth, Jakub Kolláth, Ladislav Tóth, Hannah Jakobsen, Sissel Sin Jakobsen, Katarina Kevezdová og Patrik Bolek
Photo: Selma Pelja
The project will also focus on English as an international language as the project language is English.
The project was launched after a joint meeting in Senec. Two teachers from Åsane (Erlend Krossøy and Marit Njøten) were invited to Senec in September 2014. During the stay teachers from Bergen and Senec wrote an application for an EEU-Grant. In January 2015 the project was approved.
At Åsane Upper Secondary the third year Students in the Supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification who have chosen Marketing and Management or International English take part in the project. In Senec third year students attending the Business School line of study participate in the project. Project administrator is English teacher Oľga Hlavačková.
A key part of the project is the two mobilities to each city. We here in Bergen are hosts for our “tourists” from Slovakia. Since January students and teachers at Åsane have planned the first visit to Bergen. The students had to decide which sights to include in the program. They booked events, hotel and tickets and tried to create a perfect itinerary for our guests.
English is of course also a very important part of the project as it is our common language.
On March the 22.th a group of ten Slovak teachers and students arrived at Flesland airport. When the guests were settled in their hotel a short sightseeing through the centre of the city was planned. Bergen welcomed the guests with genuine Bergen weather. Relentless rain and sleet hit the guests as soon as they entered the streets. There was only one thing the host could say and that was: “Welcome to Bergen!”
Seven minutes and three inverted umbrellas later the guests had had enough and wanted to get to the restaurant as soon as possible.
The following week students and teachers presented Bergen as a tourist destination. We visited Fløien, the Fish Market, Bryggen, the Aquarium, the Hanseatic Museum, Ulriken and last but not least, Norway in a nutshell to Voss, Geiranger, Flåm and Myrdal. The highlight of the week was probably this trip.
Marit Njøten

From left: Patrik Bolek, Ladislav Tóth, Oľga Hlavačková, Jakub Kolláth, Jarmila Krasňanská and Erika Fiľaková
Photo: Katarína Keveždová
We also had meetings at the school and the guests visited all departments including the school department in Bergen prison. Here students of Restaurant and Food Processing served a wonderful three-course lunch.
After a week we said Dovidenia to our guests as we were looking forward to our trip to Senec in April 2015.
Marit Njøten

Slovak – Norwegian Project
On 22 March 2015 we travelled to Norway in order to work on the project. After arrival we had a welcome dinner. On Monday we went to school where we met with the students. In the afternoon they took us to the mountain of Fløyen. We went there by typical Bergen funicularcable car. and for a walk through the forest. The view of the town was charming.

The next day they took us on a boat trip where we saw fjords. On Wednesday, we had some work at school and Norwegian students showed us their school buildings. In one of them, the students prepared a delicious lunch for us. The next day we went sightseeing. We visited a museum where they told us about the history of the city of Bergen. Later, they took us to aquarium from which we had an incredible experience.

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On Friday we started our day with the project meeting at school which was followed by a tour to the prison. We ended the day at TGI Fridays where we had dinner with Norwegian students. The day before our departure we visited the market where we had the opportunity to buy some traditional Norwegian food.

After arrival to the hotel we said goodbye to Norwegian teachers. For the rest of the day we had free time and we went to buy some souvenirs for our families. On Sunday, 28 March 2015, we returned home.

Our stay in Norway was an incredible experience for me that I can´t describe. I thank to my school that I could participate in this project and thus gain new friendships and experiences in my life.

Erika Fiľaková, student of the III.E class

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